Calculate Pi using monte-carlo methods
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
The one dimensional integral that we shall evaluate using monte-carlo methods gives the area of the a quarter of the unit circle. Using this and the fact that the analytical value of the are of a quarter of the unit circle is given as \(\pi/4\), we can find the value of \(\pi\).
$$ I = \int_0^1 f(x,y)\ dx = \int_0^1 \sqrt{1-x^2}\ dx = \frac{\pi}{4} $$
The goal is to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the various monte-carlo methods for the purpose of numerical integration.
2. Monte-Carlo methods
Here, we shall test the various algorithms for numerical integration and check their labour ratio.
2.1. Hit or Miss
The crude method is the simplest and most inefficient monte-carlo algorithm. It simply involves generating uniformly distributed random points inside the unit square and counting the ratio of those points that lie within the quarter circle. This gives us the ratio of the area of the square and the circle. Since the are of the unit square is 1, the are of the circle can be deduced directly.
The algorithm involves simply generating uniformly distributed set of points within the range (0-1). The function we want to sample is given as.
\begin{equation} g(x,y) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 1 & \mbox{if } \sqrt{1-x^2} \le 1 \\ 0 & \mbox{if } \sqrt{1-x^2} > 1 \end{array} \right. \end{equation}$$
Then the estimator given below is an unbiased estimator for the integral \(\theta\) for uniformly generated points (\(x_i,y_i\)) within the unit square (\(1,1\)).
$$ \theta = \sum_i^N \frac{g(x_i,y_i)}{N} $$
2.1.1. Code (Matlab)
- Functions
function result = hit_or_miss(p) x = p(1); y = p(2); if sqrt(x^2 + y^2) > 1 result = 0; else result = 1; end end function result = hit_or_miss_var(inp) x = inp(1); meanpi = inp(2); result = (x - meanpi)^2; end
- Simulation
nb = 24; corrlen = 0; npoints = 2^nb; npointsall = 2^nb + corrlen; randvalsx = rand(1, npointsall); randvalsy = rand(1, npointsall); pivalslist = zeros(1, npointsall); % Calculate via MC simul randpoints = [randvalsx; randvalsy]'; meanpi = mean(arrayfun(@hit_or_miss, randpoints)); pivals = arrayfun(@hit_or_miss, randpoints); meanpilist = meanpi * ones(1, npoints); varpivals = arrayfun(@hit_or_miss_var, pivals, meanpilist); errorpi = sqrt(sum(varpivals) / (npoints - 1)) / sqrt(npoints); % π exactI = pi/4; fprintf('meanpi = %f exact=%f \n error=%f errorExact=%f\n', meanpi, exactI, errorpi, exactI - meanpi);
2.2. Crude monte-carlo
The crude method is the simplest and most inefficient monte-carlo algorithm. It simply involves generating uniformly distributed random points inside the unit square and counting the ratio of those points that lie within the quarter circle. This gives us the ratio of the area of the square and the circle. Since the are of the unit square is 1, the are of the circle can be deduced directly.
The algorithm involves simply generating uniformly distributed set of points within the range (0-1). The estimator for the integral \(I\) is given below.
$$ \theta = \sum_i^N \frac{f(\xi_i)}{N} $$
with f being the function given as shown below.
$$ f(x) = \sqrt{1 - x^2} $$
and \(\xi_i\) is a uniform random number betwee (\(0,1\)).
2.2.1. Code (Matlab)
- Functions
function result = pi_curve(x) result = sqrt(1.0 - x^2); end function result = pi_curve_var(inp) x = inp(1); meanpi = inp(2); result = (x - meanpi)^2; end
- Simulation
nb = 24; corrlen = 0; npoints = 2^nb; npointsall = 2^nb + corrlen; randvals = rand(1, npointsall); pivalslist = zeros(1, npointsall); % Calculate via MC simul meanpi = mean(arrayfun(@pi_curve, randvals)); pivals = arrayfun(@pi_curve, randvals); meanpilist = meanpi * ones(1, npoints); varpivals = arrayfun(@pi_curve_var, pivals, meanpilist); errorpi = sqrt(sum(varpivals) / (npoints - 1)) / sqrt(npoints); % π exactI = pi/4; fprintf('meanpi = %f exact=%f \n error=%f errorExact=%f\n', meanpi, exactI, errorpi, exactI - meanpi);
2.3. Stratified sampling
Stratified sampling involves breaking up the domain (i.e. 0 - 1) into strata and sampling inside individual strata. The estimator for \(\pi/4\) is then given by the following.
$$ \theta = \sum_{j=1}^k \sum_1^{n_j} (\alpha_j - \alpha_{j-1})\frac{1}{n_j}f(\alpha_{j-1}+(\alpha_j - \alpha_{j-1})\xi_{ij}) $$
The variance can be smaller than that of crude monte-carlo if differences between local means is larger than the variance of \(f\) within the stata.
2.3.1. Code (Matlab)
- Functions
function inter_list = interval_gen(nint) inter_list = linspace(0, 1, nint + 1); end function result = strat_rand(x, a, b) result = a + x * (b - a); end function strat_calc(x, list_npoints_inter, list_sum_inter, list_sum_inter2, list_sum_inter_witha, inter_list) idinter = find(inter_list <= x, 1, 'last') - 1; list_npoints_inter(idinter) = list_npoints_inter(idinter) + 1; list_sum_inter(idinter) = list_sum_inter(idinter) + pi_curve(x); δa = inter_list(idinter + 1) - inter_list(idinter); list_sum_inter_witha(idinter) = list_sum_inter_witha(idinter) + δa * pi_curve(x); list_sum_inter2(idinter) = list_sum_inter2(idinter) + pi_curve(x) * pi_curve(x); end function strat_rand_calc(x, a, b, list_npoints_inter, list_sum_inter, list_sum_inter2, list_sum_inter_witha, inter_list) x = a + x * (b - a); idinter = find(inter_list <= x, 1, 'last') - 1; list_npoints_inter(idinter) = list_npoints_inter(idinter) + 1; list_sum_inter(idinter) = list_sum_inter(idinter) + pi_curve(x); δa = inter_list(idinter + 1) - inter_list(idinter); list_sum_inter_witha(idinter) = list_sum_inter_witha(idinter) + δa * pi_curve(x); list_sum_inter2(idinter) = list_sum_inter2(idinter) + pi_curve(x) * pi_curve(x); end
- Simulation
nb = 10; npint = 2; nint = 2^npint; corrlen = 0; npoints = 2^nb; npointsall = 2^nb; randvals = rand(1, npointsall); fprintf('%d\n', npointsall); list_npoints_inter = zeros(1, nint); list_sum_inter = zeros(1, nint); list_sum_inter2 = zeros(1, nint); list_sum_inter_witha = zeros(1, nint); inter_list = interval_gen(nint); list_mean_inter = zeros(1, nint); for i = 1:nint step = npointsall / 2^npint; a = inter_list(i); b = inter_list(i+1); idx = (step*(i-1)+1):(step*i); for j = idx strat_rand_calc(randvals(j), a, b, list_npoints_inter, list_sum_inter, list_sum_inter2, list_sum_inter_witha, inter_list); end end list_mean_inter = list_sum_inter_witha ./ list_npoints_inter; meanpi = sum(list_mean_inter); varpi = 0.0; for it = 1:nint δa = inter_list(it+1) - inter_list(it); nit = list_npoints_inter(it); varpi = varpi + δa^2 * (list_sum_inter2(it) - nit * list_mean_inter(it)^2) / (nit * (nit - 1)); end errorpi = sqrt(varpi); exactI = 0.4180232931306735; exactI = pi/4; fprintf('meanpi = %f exact=%f \n error=%f errorExact=%f\n', meanpi, exactI, errorpi, exactI - meanpi);
2.4. Importance sampling
The natural next step following stratified sampling is that of importance sampling. In the previous method, we chose the strata arbitrarily, i.e. by inspection of the function to integrate. This was followed by a uniform sampling of points inside each strata. The idea is to break the domain into regions which need to be sampled with more points as opposed to domains where the function is quasi horizontal (i.e. low variance). The more natural way to do this is to adapt the choice of points in a more flexible manner. This is the idea behind importance sampling where we define a custom distribution (\(g(x)\)) which is very close to the original function (\(f(x)\)) that we wish to integrate. The main constarint on the distribution is that it needs to be easy to sample from.
$$ \theta = \int_0^1 f(x)\ dx = \int_0^1 \frac{f(x)}{g(x)} g{x}\ dx = \int_0^1 \frac{f(x)}{g(x)} dG(x) $$
here, \(dG(x)\) is the measure, i.e. the sampling distribution. Note that the distribution \(g(x)\) must be normalized.
$$ \int_0^1 g(x)dx = 1 $$
Invting a distribution,
2.4.1. Code (Matlab)
- Function
function result = gx(x) result = -2 * x; end function result = foverg(x) result = pi_curve(x) / gx(x); end function result = foverg_var(x, meanpi) result = (x - meanpi)^2; end function result = cdfm1(z) y = -sqrt(2 * z) / sqrt(2); result = y; end
- Simulation
nb = 22; corrlen = 0; npoints = 2^nb; npointsall = 2^nb + corrlen; randvals = arrayfun(@cdfm1, rand(1, npointsall)); % Calculate via MC simul pivals = arrayfun(@foverg, randvals); meanpi = mean(pivals); meanpilist = meanpi * ones(1, npoints); varpivals = arrayfun(@pi_curve_var, pivals, meanpilist); errorpi = sqrt(sum(varpivals) / (npoints - 1)) / sqrt(npoints); exactI = pi/4; fprintf('meanpi = %f exact=%f \n error=%f errorExact=%f\n', meanpi, exactI, errorpi, exactI - meanpi);